“This two-way interrelationship between science and technique was well-expressed later by Engels when he wrote: ‘If, as you say, technique largely depends on the state of science, science depends far more still on the ‘state’ and the ‘requirements’ of technique. If society has a technical need, that helps science forward more than ten universities. The whole of hydrostatics (Torricelli, etc.) was called forth by the necessity for regulating the mountain streams of Italy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. We have only known anything reasonable about electricity since its technical applicability was discovered. But unfortunately it has become the custom in Germany to write the history of the sciences as if they had fallen from the skies’ (Selected Correspondence, p. 517) (Marx and Engels – Selected Correspondence, tr. Dona Torr, London, 1943)” [J.D. Bernal, Marx and Science, 1952]