“All this is reasonably evident if Engels’ own ‘History of the Communist League’ is amended in conjunction with other documents of the time. We know that, on behalf of the London Committee, Schapper and Moll had drawn up an outline of a “Creed” which had been circulated to a few branches and discussed by them. We know, further, that the Paris branch had discussed a draft submitted by the German socialist, Moses Hess; and that Hess’s draft was so severely criticised by Engels that the Paris branch asked him to write a new one himself. Engels was elected the Paris delegate to the London Conference of December, 1847, and he made a new draft of his own. In doing so he rejected the term “Creed” and the League’s desire for a Catechism by question and answer on the ground that “the statement must contain some history”. We have his letter to Marx of 24 November 1847, in which he proposed that “the thing” should be called the “Communist Manifesto”. He told Marx that his own sketch was “nothing but narrative, and badly flung together, in a frightful hurry”. He also urged Marx to “think over the creed a bit”. It seems probable that the draft sent by Engels to Marx was largely concerned with the contemporary problems of the international proletariat, and written with a view to being read by working-class readers. (…) In all that he wrote, especially after Marx’s death, Engels always insisted that the main ideas of the ‘Manifesto’ came from Marx, and that, both in substance and in composition, it is to Marx that the main credit for it belongs.” [Harold J. Laski, Communist Manifesto Socialist Landmark. A New Appreciation written for the Labour Party, 1954]