“If language did not serve diplomats and similar persons ‘as a means of concealing their thoughts’, Nesselrode and brother-in-law Nicholas would joyfully embrace us, and give fervent thanks that so many Poles from France, England, Belgium, etc. were enticed to Posen, and given travelling facilities, so that they might be shot down with grape-shot and shrapnel, branded with caustic, slaughtered, sent away with shorn heads and, if possible (as in Cracow), completely wiped out by a treacherous bombardment. Despite these seven deadly sins committed by Germany, is it true that Russia has remained on the defensive, taken no offensive steps? It is, and that is why the Russian diplomat invites the world to admire the love of peace and the moderation of his tsar. According to Nesselrode, the Russian tsar’s rule of procedure ‘from which he has not deviated for one moment’, is as follows: “Russia will in no way intervene in the internal affairs of those countries which want to change their organization, but will rather leave the peoples completely free, without any obstacle from the Russian side (…)”. The sender of the Russian note has forgotten to add illustrative examples.” [Karl Marx, a cura di David Fernbach, The Revolutions of 1848. Political Writings. Volume 1, 1973]