“Marx asserts that partial crises may emerge from disproportionate production, when too much is produced in some spheres of activity and insufficient production is observed in other spheres. A form of this disproportionate production may be relative excess in the production of fixed capital or a relative excess in the production of circulating capital. Nevertheless, we must not overlook the fact that proportionate production is always the result of disproportionate production. Competition among capitals and the migration of capital from one branch of production to another form the basis of this process (Marx 1971, part 2, 521). Marx also refers to crises of disproportionality in part 3, “The Reproduction and Circulation of the Aggregate Social Capital”, volume 2 of ‘Capital’ (especially p. 469) and again reverts to this theme specifically in the last chapter of part 2, “Conversion of Profit into Average Profit”, in volume 3 of Capital (…)” [Jonas Zoninsein, Monopoly Capital Theory. Hilferding and Twentieth-Century Capitalism, 1990]
- Categoria dell'articolo:Nuove Accessioni
- Articolo pubblicato:16 Maggio 2012